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Who are the real friends of the library?

Stephen Kessler.

Op-ed in the SC Sentinel, 9/10/2022

A key tactical weapon in city management’s offensive to impose a library-garage on unsuspecting civilians who thought they had voted to renovate the downtown Santa Cruz Public Library was the creation of the Downtown Library Advisory Committee, a panel of about a dozen volunteers selected (recruited?) by then-Councilwoman Cynthia Mathews — despite her recusal from council decisions for conflict of interest — and then-Library Director Susan Nemitz to achieve their preordained outcome. This committee was tasked with “advising” the city as to what kind of library we needed.

In order to determine what people wanted in the way of a library, the DLAC sent out a survey about its desired features, for example a children’s area, a teen area, computers, internet access, genealogy section, local history, meeting rooms, perhaps even some books. Nowhere in this survey was there any mention of moving the library out of Civic Center and combining it with a garage...

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