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The Ballot Measure
This measure adapts our City's land-use documents
for the betterment of our community
It amends the General Plan and Downtown Plan to:
Preserve the large, sunny and centrally located Lot 4 parcel as a public space that provides a permanent location for the Farmers’ Market, saving 10 Heritage trees, and creating the future potential for a green community space – a Downtown Commons.
Prioritize 100% affordable housing on specific City-owned lots downtown, including Front Street’s Lot 7.
​Create the City’s first dedicated funding stream for affordable housing by using parking revenue saved from not building an unnecessary garage. Parking revenue would also supplement Measure S funds for Library renovation and Lot 4 improvements for the Farmers’ Market and community space.
To read the legal language of the measure, as submitted to the Santa Cruz City Attorney,
please click the button below.
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